They Are Losing It

Dear Friend and Reader: I was having breakfast with a friend in Woodstock this morning, notebook out, pencil in hand, trying to think of an appropriate title to tonight’s article. “They Must Be Fucking Kidding” kept coming to mind. So let’s see, the federal government has been shut down for nearly a month, and people … Read more

A Moving Point In Time and Space

20 Years of Planet Waves: Dear Friend and Reader: It’s snuck up on me, though later this month is the 20th anniversary of Planet Waves. On Dec. 21, 1998, we published the first version of, with the intention of creating a reader-supported publication. When I leaf through my old notebooks, and look at my … Read more

Mars Retrograde: Background, and Deep Background

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: As you know, Mars will be retrograde for most of the summer, for two months beginning on June 26. Mars retrogrades happen every other year, and each is distinctive. It’s not just the sign where it happens that defines the unique property of the retrograde, but primarily what … Read more

Chiron in Aries: Exploring The Ground of Being

On April 17, Chiron will enter Aries — its first return to that sign since 1968-1977, an eventful era that left its mark on the world. Outer planet transits through signs tend to describe phases in history. During those particular years, Chiron was in the phase of its cycle prior to its own discovery, which took place in November 1977.

Aquarius New Moon: All Together in the Belly

Dear Friend and Reader: Tomorrow’s New Moon — a conjunction of the Sun and Moon — takes place right at the midpoint of Aquarius. This marks the middle of the current season; a time the ancient Pagans celebrated as Imbolc. Although the origin of the word Imbolc is not entirely clear, one common explanation is … Read more