Uranus-Eris: Remember, All Bets are Off

Dear Friend and Reader: I’m taking a week off from a big article to focus my efforts on The Book of Your Life annual readings. Thank you to all the people who have pre-ordered. I want to alert you to one vital issue developing in the news: the North Dakota governor has threatened to forcibly … Read more

Mars, Aries, the Internet and Personhood

“Today I don’t want to live for, I want to live.” — Hugh Prather, Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person Dear Friend and Reader: These days I have Mars on my mind: Mars retrograde, coming up in a little over a week; the impressive astrology in Aries (now featuring Venus); and where the … Read more

What’s That Sound? Uranus Meets Eris in Aries

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: There is an astrological event brewing that happens this spring for the first time since 1927: a conjunction of two slow-moving outer planets called Uranus and Eris. You may recall that Eris became famous in 2006 when it precipitated the re-definition of a planet, leading to the ‘demotion’ … Read more

What’s That Sound? Uranus Meets Eris in Aries

Dear Friend and Reader: There is an astrological event brewing that happens this spring for the first time since 1927: a conjunction of two slow-moving outer planets called Uranus and Eris. You may recall that Eris became famous in 2006 when it precipitated the re-definition of a planet, leading to the ‘demotion’ of Pluto. What … Read more

Eris is Spending the Weekend

Dear Friend and Reader: I haven’t mentioned Eris for a while. Those of you newer to Planet Waves may not have been privy to prior discussions, so I’ll make sure this article links to resources in case you want to go deeper into this truly contemporary astrology subject that is so rarely mentioned. Eris was … Read more