Growing Into Our God-ness

Grand Fixed Cross:  The Scorpio Full Moon By Tracy Delaney w/Eric Francis At today’s Scorpio Full Moon, the Sun, Moon and several centaur planets form a fixed grand cross, i.e., a cross made up of two oppositions and four squares. This takes place in the fixed signs Taurus (the Sun), Leo (Elatus), Scorpio (the Moon and … Read more

The Equinox: A Crisis of Confidence

Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun is in Aries and a new season and a new astrological year have begun. Before I get into the equinox chart, we need to look back, because Thursday was the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. It was just six short years ago that a great portion of … Read more

2008: A Moment to Remember

Dear Friend and Reader: In today’s edition, let’s take a look back at the past four seasons, which seem to have whipped by like time-lapse photography. This was a year that Pluto changed signs: we will not forget it. We will remember for any number of reasons, personal and cultural. It was the year of … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – December 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) For some people, social acceptance is so important they will do anything to keep it once they have it. Don’t be one of them. The story of the recent years of your life has been the struggle — if I may use such a strong word — to maintain your individuality while … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space – November 2008

Dear Friend and Reader: NO MATTER WHO is declared president in the wake of the election or the “election” of 2008, Tuesday, Nov. 4 begins a new era in history. It’s rare that a major planetary alignment coincides so directly with a global historical event, but occasionally it happens. Today, the 2nd and 3rd largest … Read more