Gemini New Moon — and the Solstice Cluster

Dear Friend and Reader: In yesterday’s edition of Daily Astrology, I explained the background on the past 11 years of stressful astrology — a long series of aspects involving Saturn, which have felt like one test after the next, without our ever finding out our grade. If you want to know a bit about what you’ve … Read more

Opening to Eros

Dear Friend and Reader: Most people don’t sit around contemplating the beginnings of eras or sweeping changes to society — most of us live from day to day. As we do, we tend to have a tense relationship with change. Many of us cling to what we have and are familiar with, rather than welcoming … Read more

In Praise of Trees

Here’s a sprout well budded out / the work of our Lord’s hand Dear Friend and Reader: We’re approaching one of the most impressive Full Moons of the year — the Scorpio Full Moon, which this year happens Saturday, May 5 at 11:35 pm EDT. Presently the Sun is at the sensitive balancing point of … Read more

Trayvon Martin and the Uranus-Pluto Square

Dear Friend and Reader: If you’re one of those people who dares to watch the news, you know this has been a momentous and swiftly-moving week. Health care reform made it to the Supreme Court for three days of hearings, and the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has burst into public consciousness for the trial-by-media … Read more

Mercury on the Move

Dear Friend and Reader: But before we get into that — overnight Tuesday to Wednesday there was a positively huge coronal mass ejection, which is to say, an explosion on the Sun. The image below is an actual photograph of the event (taken from video shot by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). The Sun is illustrated by … Read more