Inner Space for December

Though it may seem difficult to believe, 2006 was a year of rest and relaxation in contrast to what adventures await us in 2007. We enter December with the first waves of energy: many planets are now in Sagittarius, indeed, most planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and Pluto), and Pluto is headed straight … Read more

Across the Inner Divide

Across the Inner Divide Dear Readers: This week marks the anniversary of two events that should not have happened, and which occurred on the same day separated by 42 years. They could be ranked among the very worst environmental disasters in known history, and are defining moments of the 20th century. One is the first … Read more

Sagittarians I Know and Love

Sagittarians I Know and Love IN MY NEVER ENDING quest to do things slightly differently, I am going to spare you my usual boring, textbook rendition of Sagittarius this year, and get a little more personal, speaking mostly from direct experience. Now, in case you’re thinking: “Oh my God, what’s he going to say?” — … Read more

Closing Thoughts on Scorpio; Centaurs on the Move

Closing Thoughts on Scorpio; Centaurs on the Move AS ONE of the cross-quarter phases — that is, the signs located halfway between where equinoxes and solstices occur, containing the high sabbat of Samhain (now called Halloween) — Scorpio is always a turning point. Interesting that the metaphor is a costume and the result is often … Read more

Mercury: Walking the Hot, Thin Line

Mercury: Walking the Hot, Thin Line EVERYONE LOVES a partially cooked theory; just watch the news any night of the week. As Roberta Folt writes in this week’s fine edition of The Onion, “All it takes is a little supposition mixed with critical theorizing and you can easily stumble on a tenuous half-truth that really … Read more