Venus Stations Direct

Venus Stations Direct Dear Friend and Client: WELL NOW, it was a heck of an interesting first week of the Year of the Dog. I dare say it was even productive. It’s not exactly over, but the imminent station direct of Venus in Capricorn provides an excellent backdrop for whatever develops next, and will help … Read more

Inner Space for February

Early February is the time of the Midwinter Holiday from the Pagan tradition, called Imbolc, later reduced to Ground Hog Day. It’s the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This is a holiday based on the feeling of being stuck in the dark in our homes for months on end. In Christian terms, the … Read more

Goddess Country + Weekly Horoscope

Goddess Country OVERNIGHT Friday to Saturday in the States (and at 9:48 am Saturday in London) is the Cancer Full Moon. When the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs, this is the Full Moon. Sure as the Lord made little green men, the Full Moon involves a polarity of the zodiac. We are now … Read more

Inner Space Decoroscope

Inner Space Decoroscope by Eric Francis JANUARY 2006 Aries (March 20-April 19) You’re not the type to collect stuff, or even be particularly interested in it; but suddenly the material world means a lot more to you: material as in the textures of fabrics and colors of cloth that come to life in your fingers. … Read more

Happy Birthday Capricorn!

Happy Birthday Capricorn! What you are looking for is something you are, not something you possess or need to have. You can feel confident searching within, as well as looking in certain specific places in the past where you feel you may have been sidetracked. The chances are, you probably were — but the beauty … Read more