The Foggy Edge of Neptune

The Foggy Edge of Neptune BUT WHAT does it all mean? You know, astronomers reclassifying Pluto as a dwarf planet, along with Ceres and 2003 UB313/Xena. First, I feel compelled to say, Pluto is laughing. And I assure you, it all means something. But the more interesting part is why. Let’s cover that first. The … Read more

The Continuing Discovery of Pluto

The Continuing Discovery of Pluto NEXT WEEK, if all goes according to the cosmic plan, the solar system will have three new members, at least in terms of what we call planets. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), now meeting in Prague, is set to vote on a strongly supported proposal that counts as planets the … Read more

Flaunt for August

Happy Birthday Leo (from PWW 623) LAST WEEK’S spectacular Full Moon in your opposite sign Aquarius blurs the thin line between fantasy and reality. But it does so in a moment where so many other seeming contradictions can be resolved, and put to your best advantage. What recent events reveal, if nothing else, is the … Read more

The Swiftly Tilting Planet

The Swiftly Tilting Planet Dear Friend and Reader: IF WE have learned one thing from doing the ongoing Mercury Retrograde news timeline, currently tracking the turning points of the end of the ‘shadow phase’, it’s that the news is difficult to deal with, and consumes a significant amount of emotional energy. If you are following … Read more

Inner Space for August

Inner Space by Eric Francis Your House & Home Horoscope | Monthly for August 2006 AUGUST is a momentous month in the cosmic history of the Earth. Two of the most influential planets, Saturn and Neptune, meet in an exact opposition, which happens once every 35 years. We’ve been seeing the effects of this developing … Read more