A Non Essay: Our Sagittarius Moment

THE SKY is remarkable right now. As of yesterday, Mars has joined Pluto, Jupiter, the Sun and Venus in Sagittarius. As of a few hors ago, Mercury has joined the fray and we will experience a stunning triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mars and Mercury on Monday. This conjunction occurs in the 4th degree of Sagittarius. … Read more

Inner Space for December

Inner Space for December Though it may seem difficult to believe, 2006 was a year of rest and relaxation in contrast to what adventures await us in 2007. We enter December with the first waves of energy: many planets are now in Sagittarius, indeed, most planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and Pluto), and … Read more

Galactic Headrush

SO PLEASE allow me to tell you about what we’re doing — and give you some insight into the business we’re in at the same time. After months of plotting and scheming, and years of working with astrology for the public, the Planet Waves team is creating a first-of-a-kind project — a full-year almanac. A … Read more