Pisces Total Lunar Eclipse

Total Lunar Eclipse of Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2007 By Eric Francis and Kirsti Melto | Lunations THE AUGUST FULL MOON is a total lunar eclipse on the North Node and falls at 4+ degrees of the sensitive water sign Pisces — the last sign of the zodiac. This will be followed on Sep. 11 by a partial eclipse … Read more

Give Me Something Built to Last

Dear Friend and Reader: When that bridge collapsed in Minneapolis last week, it was more than a symbol of America’s national infrastructure crumbling — it was the real thing. There were miracles (the school bus full of kids that didn’t explode) and there are warnings (much of the infrastructure of the United States is the … Read more

Inner Space and Dioxin Dorms

Aries (March 20-April 19) What is history? What value does the past possess? Ask yourself these questions now, and you’ll finally gain an understanding of how the past and the present relate to one another. There comes a point where everything in life is an attempt to get something old right. Then there comes a time when we need to … Read more

Hold the Bread on that Sandwich, Please

Dear Friend and Reader: ONE DAY last month, standing in a convenience store in northern Belgium, I decided to join the Nestlé boycott. I’ve always tried to avoid Nestlé products, but it’s difficult in Europe because they have such vast market share. I was standing in the store, wanting some chocolate, looking at a lot … Read more

Venus Retrograde: The Quest for Awareness

Dear Friend and Reader: A FEW years ago in a storm of indignant inspiration, I wrote a short piece called The Seven Definitions of Monogamy. The joke was basically this: the outer perception is that monogamy is one thing, one concept; in reality, everyone has a different definition, or lack thereof. The dictionary says it means … Read more