The Bridge Nobody Saw

Dear Friend and Reader: ONE THING I’ve been thinking about a lot the past few days is what it would be like for Martin Luther King to have seen Barack Obama’s speech Thursday night. Dr. King of all people would understand that this was not the symbol of progress, but the thing itself. Whether Barack … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly – September 2008

SEPTEMBER IS the month of the Libra equinox, though as these weeks develop there are many interesting stories coming from the sign of balance, justice and honest relationships. For most of the month, Venus, Mars and Mercury are passing through this sign, encouraging us to be open with one another, and to take a chance … Read more

Obama, Aquarius and the Galactic Leap

Dear Friend and Reader: WE ARE HOURS from an eclipse of the Moon in Aquarius during an extended phase of important Aquarian astrology. The eclipse takes place Saturday in American and European time zones [5:16 pm in New York, 2:16 pm in California, 10:16 pm in London, 7:16 am Sunday in Sydney]. It’s conjunct Neptune … Read more

Eriscope from Planet Waves – August 2008

Aries (March 20-April 19) We live in a time when you’re not supposed to take chances, but I’m here to tell you that sex is risky no matter what. Feelings are involved, and not everyone tells the truth about that. Where bodies touch, health is involved, and we have some integrity issues here as well. Condoms … Read more

The Spiritual Olympics (and the Power of 8)

Dear Friend and Reader: SINCE NOBODY HAS A CLUE what the Olympics story is going to be at this point, let’s make up a lead. One thing nearly everybody must be thinking is, Please, Lordy Lord, let’s not have terrorism screw up the games. The world has enough problems right now and for once we … Read more