Retrogrades and Eclipses: Walk Carefully on that Ice

Dear Subscriber: Weeks ago I described our current phase of astrology as the winter whirl. Two inner planets are retrograde (Mercury and Mars) and we’re building toward a solar eclipse — the perfect recipe for confusion and originality. Dare I say paranoia, but do we really believe it? Is it really credible? Why do we take … Read more

Lunar Eclipse in the Sign of the Moon

Dear Colleague or Contributor: It’s New Year’s Eve and we have an eclipse of the Moon in Cancer — the sign ruled by the Moon. Eclipses represent dependable transitions; this is fitting astrology for the end of a year, and even a decade. Yet by our calendar, this is not technically the end of the … Read more

01/10 Inner Space by Eric Francis

Sometimes the most frustrating times are the most creatively fruitful. While you may have to set certain professional plans and ambitions aside for a few weeks, you have an excellent motive for introspection. You have been feeling a push to express yourself for months, and yet you may seem to have no access to those … Read more

Chiron, Jupiter, Neptune: We Live in the Technosphere

Dear Friend and Reader: Over the past few days, we experienced the conclusion of the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction in Aquarius. This has been working out all year; this week’s was the third of three contacts since May, then July. I believe this is one of those aspects that future astrologers are going to look back on, … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – December 2009

Dear Friend and Reader: Today is the approach to the Gemini Full Moon. The Sun opposite Moon aspect is exact overnight or early Tuesday morning in most US and European time zones, so today and tonight is the peak of energy. More details are in my Monday post about the week’s astrology, called Business, as Unusual. … Read more