Mars Direct and the Virgo Full Moon

Dear Planet Waves Reader: We’re near the end of a long, challenging Mars retrograde; the exact station-direct is March 10. This has been in the background all winter, slowly working its mysterious effects: most of them emotional. Now that we’re at the dregs of the retrograde, the sensation ranges from not being able to get … Read more

The One and the Many

Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: The other day, an email came floating into my inbox from a website called Care2, a green-styled corporate site purportedly dedicated to saving the world, claiming 12.5 million subscribers. The subject header of the email read, “Monogamy vs. Polyamory: Do Open Relationships Work?” Naturally, I thought: this ought to be pretty interesting. … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope – February 2010

By Eric Francis February arrives at the depth of winter in most of the Northern Hemisphere, when we live in the shadow of cold, rain and snow. Within February’s first few days lies one of the four high holidays — or sabbats — of the pagan calendar, called Imbolc in Celtic times. One of the … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope – February 2010

Dear Friend and Reader: If you are reading this, you survived some of the must tumultuous, shocking astrology in nearly a decade. Yet the truth is, what we lived through in December and January was like the weekend-long training ride that American Youth Hostels required for everyone taking the summer-long, coast-to-coast bicycle trip. I suggest … Read more

Aftershocks of the Capricorn Eclipse: A Legal Earthquake

Dear Friend and Reader: Last week’s solar eclipse in Capricorn conjunct Venus is showing some ramifications in the corporate/government realm covered by that sign. Thursday the Supreme Court issued a decision in the case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The 150-page decision, we’re being told, grants the rights of individuals to corporations, originating in the … Read more