Inner Space Horoscope for March 2011

  Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun is now in Pisces for the next few weeks, and Chiron is in Pisces for the next eight years. Chiron in Pisces defines an era of astrology where many will come to terms with the idea, and the reality, of emotional healing. Most of the problems faced by … Read more

Egypt: For Now, the People are in Charge

Dear Friend and Reader: After yesterday’s very strange day in Egypt — beginning with early reports by numerous supposedly reliable sources that Mubarak would resign and ending with him transferring power to Vice President Omar Suleiman, but keeping the title of president — nobody can say for sure what is happening in Egypt. Today is … Read more

Advent: Chiron in Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader: Today is the day that Chiron enters Pisces, where it will stay until 2018-2019. This is Chiron at the slow end of its orbit, in outer-planet mode. It seems like only yesterday (in the mid-1990s) when Chiron was clipping through a sign in just 18 months. I am here with an … Read more

Monthly Horoscope for February 2011

Dear Friend and Reader: Remember the controversy two weeks ago involving how the zodiac is allegedly wrong? While on the one hand it’s a complex technical issue describing how the Eastern and Western zodiacs align, the solution to the riddle that astronomers put out has a simple attribute — the zodiac we use here is based … Read more

Inner Space for February 2011

Dear Friend and Reader: February begins with a stunning New Moon in Aquarius on Feb. 2. This time of year is called Imbolc, or the Midwinter holiday of Celtic times. This is one of the most potent energy points of the year, a kind of acceleration point on the way into springtime. The word Imbolc … Read more