Through the Looking Glass

Dear Friend and Reader: Neptune entered Pisces this week. In astrology, one of the measures of significance is how rare an event is. Neptune has not been in this position since 1847, just one year after its discovery, and a good while before the Civil War ripped the United States in half. No living person … Read more

The Dauntless Moon

Sarah Taylor’s weekend tarot reading is updated below this article! This is an article on the Aries Moon from Planet Waves Weekly a few years ago — today, the Aries New Moon (which was not canceled). Here is how the article looked in its original Web 1.0 form, in case you’re an Internet historian. When … Read more

Planet Waves Inner Space — April 2011

Dear Friend and Reader: Through most of April the emphasis of the planets shifts to Aries. The Sun will be in the hottest of the fire signs through April 20, joining Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Eris. That is a lot of Aries, appropriate enough for springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere — full of … Read more

Mental, Emotional, Physical or Spiritual?

Chiron Files by Eric Francis  Dear Friend and Reader: Once someone explained to me that the distinction between jazz and blues had more to do with sorting things out in the record store than it did with meaningful differences in the music. To hear the terms, one would get the mistaken idea that they are … Read more

With Love From Borasisi

Dear Friend and Reader: Anyone who works with ideas in a public forum figures out sooner or later that most people will believe anything, particularly if it’s not true. I’ve learned as much from writing satire as I have from writing about astrology or being an investigative reporter. I’ve noticed that many readers will readily … Read more