The Election of 2020: It’s Showtime, Folks

Dear Friend and Reader: Frank Zappa is reputed to have said, "Politics is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex." This may seem cynical, and as a lifelong observer of politics (since the 1972 election, when I was 8), I have long pondered this idea. What Frank really said in a 1987 interview with Keyboard … Read more

Monday Evening Horoscope #246 for Sept. 21, 2020

By Eric Francis Coppolino Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes Your extended monthly horoscope for September was published on Wednesday, Sept. 2. We published your extended monthly horoscope for August on Monday, August 3. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope after the Sun has entered a new sign. Aries (March 20-April 19) … Read more

Face the Chaos: The Equinox Chart and Transhumanism

Dear Friend and Reader: The Sun enters cardinal sign Libra Tuesday at 9:30 am EDT. Solstices and equinoxes are the turning of the seasons, and they are all therefore turning points in the solar year. Yet this equinox is particularly significant in that it is the 90-day mark to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. We … Read more

Daily Astrology: August 2020

Back to Current Page Monday, Aug. 31 | Build-Up to Pisces Full Moon: Bridging the Gap The Moon completes its passage through Aquarius today, enters Pisces early tomorrow morning, and will oppose the Sun in Virgo for the Full Moon overnight (1:22 am Wednesday EDT). Sensitivities naturally peak with the lunar cycle, and the Full … Read more