World Without End

Dear Friend and Reader: As Jupiter and the Sun entered Leo this week (their conjunction was exact Thursday afternoon), one event after the next has offered vivid and painful confirmation of a world in crisis. On the personal level, field reports are coming in with a diversity of responses to the current astrology, though I’m … Read more

The Vexing Issue of Self-Esteem

Dear Friend and Reader: Jupiter has taken up residence in Leo for the next year, which in our astrological microcosm is a real change of pace. Mars is now making its way through the last degrees of Libra; it will enter Scorpio next week and then form an exact square to Jupiter on Aug. 1. … Read more

Full Moon Door: Across the Nodal Axis

Dear Friend and Reader: Full Moon events often feel like a threshold, though Saturday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is a psychic gateway to another phase of existence. It’s a transitional event between eight months dominated by planets in all four of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), into a new phase of the … Read more

Astrology and Incentive — Your July Stars

Dear Planet Waves Reader: Your July horoscope covers the exciting changes of the new season — both Mars and Jupiter change signs, which will create the effect of “the other 2014” — a new year within the current year. On Monday, Mercury stations direct, concluding more than six months of end-to-end inner planet retrogrades. As … Read more

Good As Gold

Dear Friend and Reader: July is the month when Jupiter changes signs to Leo. Jupiter takes about 12 years to go around the Sun, so it spends about a year in each sign. It’s been in Cancer since last summer, and quite a time it’s been. During this phase we’ve lived through some genuinely challenging … Read more