Where the Art Studio Meets the Healing Space

Dear Friend and Reader: Venus stations retrograde this weekend, a somewhat rare event in astrology. Because Venus is so close to the Earth, it’s retrograde the least of all the planets — for about six weeks every 18 months, or 7% of the time. Just for comparison, Mercury is retrograde for triple the number of … Read more

Postcards from the Edge

Dear Friend and Reader: Our friendly little robot flew through the Pluto-Charon system on Tuesday morning, and people are talking about it. It’s beautiful how much everyone seems to care. Mike Brown, the discoverer of Eris and the demoter of Pluto, was right the first time around — Pluto is a cultural planet. Regardless of … Read more

The Mysterious Case of Mercury in Gemini

Dear Friend and Reader: Wednesday, July 8, was a strange day in world news. It was also the day that Mercury changed signs, ingressing Cancer after spending more than two months in Gemini due to the recent retrograde. (Normally, Mercury goes through a sign in about three weeks.) Remember that whole thing? That crazy psychic … Read more

Solstice Fire and The Art of Service

Dear Friend and Reader: This week, timed with the solstice and Mars entering Cancer, we are launching a membership and fundraising drive for Planet Waves. All of our work here is sponsored exclusively by you, our readers. For many reasons we remain free from corporate sponsorship and outside advertising. We create the work that we … Read more

Baby Brother, the Big Chill and Lesson 19

Dear Friend and Reader: Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor now living in exile in Moscow, has done something that few people have done: he made the American government and much of American society let out a little squeak. Compared to the roar of the national security state, it was a modest sound. Yet it has … Read more