Vesta Conjunct Uranus: The Unusual Journey of Self

Dear Friend and Reader: One of the highlights of the rather eventful Northern Solstice chart (set for Friday, June 21, 2019, when the Sun enters the tropical sign Cancer) is Vesta conjunct Uranus. Vesta was the fourth-discovered asteroid, spotted in 1807. It’s the brightest asteroid, and was named for the goddess attended by the keepers … Read more

Photographic Proof: Mars and the Sagittarius Full Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: As you may be aware, we’re in the thick of Mars in Cancer making “the” aspects of the season (and of the year): oppositions to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which themselves are headed toward a stunning conjunction in January. We’re also building up to a Full Moon in Sagittarius on … Read more

Mars in Focus: Individual and Society

Dear Friend and Reader: This week, Mars in Cancer comes into range of opposing the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. I’ve been writing about this for weeks, such as in this article, and this one. And Friday, I released a video that offers another take on the aspect pattern, and gives some of its history. With all of that said, I … Read more

What is Your Mission? Responding to the Global Crisis

Dear Friend and Reader: Every day, the American political crisis and the global crisis are pounding on our doors. Every locale has a different manifestation, or many of them; though I have not written about this yet, Europe and the United Kingdom are currently divided over the Brexit issue. Some places, environmental issues are more … Read more

Magdalena New Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: Monday’s New Moon is in Gemini. One of its distinctive features is its location in the United States chart on the relationship angle. The suggestion is that there is some news, development or at least the need for attention focused on this aspect of our lives. Relationships form the primary environment … Read more