McLuhan Resources: Uranus-Eris and the Internet

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. This is a list of articles and episodes of Planet Waves FM and TV on the Uranus-Eris conjunction and the internet. At the very bottom, we’ve also linked to our resources page on Eris, containing earlier material. Enjoy! Analog People vs. Digital People: Aries New Moon | April 6, 2021 Sunday … Read more

Libra Full Moon: Peace, Love, Intuition | Planet Waves

We are firmly in territory where we must connect with inner guidance. This has been the subject of enough books to slaughter the entire Amazon rainforest for paper. It’s probably occupied a millennium of person-hours at Esalen and Omega institutes. Yet it’s learned through practice and experience. New York, April 5, 2020 | Link to … Read more

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 6 | Planet Waves

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In order to resolve this thing known as authority issues, it’s necessary to become granular about what happened to you as a child. I do not mean claiming victim status. I mean understanding the way that you were treated, how you felt being treated that way, and what it means … Read more

Planet Waves for April and May 2020, by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — ‘Community’ is one of the most overused words in our era, and as such, about as interesting as table salt. Yet there is such a thing, and it is about being human on the most essential level. It’s about being together. Establishing and building community is becoming a central focus … Read more