Made in America: Anaretic Pluto

Does the United States still exist as a civic institution? That issue is up for grabs during the peak of the United States Pluto Return.

One Night in a Thousand Years

We are now in an aphelion moment, far from Source, and it surely seems that the darkness is rising over our already benighted world. And right in this place, the stars are about to come out. March 2023 has arrived, with its multitude of cycles turning over, planets changing signs, and many calls to both collective and individual awareness.

One Night in a Thousand Years

Dear Friend and Reader: Recently, I learned of a 1941 short story by Isaac Asimov, called “Nightfall.” It takes place on Lagash, the planet of a Sun that is part of a mutually-orbiting cluster of six stars. Therefore, it’s always daytime there. Except, that is, for one instance every two-thousand and fifty years, when five … Read more

To the Edge and Beyond

The chart I am working with today is for the conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Chiron on Thursday, March 2. This is the last big chart right before everything changes. (I’ve removed a lot of planets to make it easier to see what is happening.) I say big because it involves the alignment of Venus and Jupiter — generally, considered significant of a positive development…

To the Edge and Beyond

See the chart. With every mistake we must surely be learning While my guitar gently weeps — G.H. Dear Friend and Reader: ESPITE ALL THAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD, from East Palestine to Ukraine, the lead story is the astrology of March 2023. Of course, you can only really say this to an astrology … Read more