What I’m Doing with my Winter Vacation:
Making Astrology Work for You

Preorder Somewhere In Between Here Dear Friend and Reader: The word “vacation” always reminds me of Cheech and Chong. Your Somewhere In Between readings for 2024 are coming together. I’m still in the writing stage, about three-quarters done, trying not to let Mercury retrograde mess with my mind. There are days I feel like I’m flying … Read more

Somewhere In Between :: Pluto Into Aquarius

We are heading for a most unusual experience in 2024 as Pluto changes signs — a rare event for all of us, and rare enough for astrologers to confront and address. Today I want to tell you a little about the annual, my process of creating it, and the astrology I’ll be exploring. The result will be 12, one-hour audio readings and 12 book-quality written readings applicable to your Sun, Moon and rising signs.

Somewhere In Between :: Pluto Into Aquarius

This is where the shadows come to play / twixt the day and night… Dear Friend and Reader: As my established readers know, this is the time of year when I am working on the annual edition of Planet Waves — extended, premium-quality audio and written readings for the coming year. We are heading for … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for August 3, 2023

Leo – There is mystery and revelation in the seeming chaos. To relate to what seems disorganized in a coherent way is an excellent skill — more than about survival, though that’s certainly true. It’s a demonstration that your reality is mostly inside of your consciousness….