Weekly Horoscope by Eric Francis, June 29, 2021

This week’s special edition horoscope offers excerpts from An Aquarian Era for each of the signs. This week’s horoscope is a sample of An Aquarian Era, transits that track your astrology out to about 2025. While this is an unusual duration for an astrological reading, there are events on the horizon that make this a … Read more

Another Freaky Conspiracy Theory Turns Out to be True

Friday afternoon while I was recording Planet Waves FM, a “Breaking News” email floated into my inbox from Politico. This was during a song break so I had time to give it a look. Here is the subject header: BREAKING NEWS: Government report: UFOs are real. I blinked a few times, like you’re supposed to when you see such an email.

Leo Astrology Studio 2021-22 is Ready.

Courage: Astrology Studio for Leo, 2021-2022 Dear Friend and Client: Here is your reading: https://planetwaves.net/studio/210818-leo-studio.mp3 Here is an associated article, called The Private Idaho Virus. Here is the article about Salacia, which is in your 9th house, with Chiron. Here are your charts. The one on the left is the New Moon, drawn with Leo … Read more

Galactic News: Neptune and the Milky Way.

Dear Friend and Reader: For this month’s column, I originally planned a rundown of current transits — the kind that happen to people at certain ages. Transits are among the most important events in astrology; reading a chart is largely about observing how the planets at the time of birth intersect with the planets in … Read more

Galactic News: Neptune and the Milky Way

For this month’s column, I originally planned a rundown of current transits — the kind that happen to people at certain ages. Transits are among the most important events in astrology; reading a chart is largely about observing how the planets at the time of birth intersect with the planets in the sky right now.