Is There Life on Neptune?

Mars is about to be retrograde. It’s also true there’s a solar eclipse coming, in Scorpio, one of the signs that Mars rules. This is adding to the sense of anticipation. So too is the fact that Jupiter is sitting on the Mars-ruled Aries point. The retrograde will take place in Gemini, which hints at a realtime experiment in getting along with ourselves.

Is There Life on Neptune?

Mars is about to be retrograde. It’s also true there’s a solar eclipse coming, in Scorpio, one of the signs that Mars rules. This is adding to the sense of anticipation. So too is the fact that Jupiter is sitting on the Mars-ruled Aries point.

Planet Waves Weekly for Sep. 19, 2024 by Eric Francis

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The days before the Sun enters your sign can be tense, as if you’re not quite aware that your worst fears might be true. This might be especially challenging with the Full Moon happening on the 17th, conjunct mystical, delusional Neptune in Pisces. Is there a lake, a forest…

The Chiron Factor, Part One

Dear Friend and Reader: Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. Just five months ago, the world experienced a total solar eclipse conjunct Chiron. Exact to the arc minute (1/60th of a degree), this astonishing eclipse cast a shadow that spanned from northern Mexico, diagonally across the United States and into southeastern Canada. … Read more

The Chiron Factor, Part One

A close look at the life and times of Chiron — and its influence on this moment in history. Chiron’s discovery was a watershed moment for astrology, and it’s now a prominent metaphor of our times. Just five months ago, the world experienced a total solar eclipse conjunct Chiron. Exact to the arc minute (1/60th of a degree)…