A Fire in Aries; Be Cool, Don’t Just Act Cool

Dear Friend and Reader: With the recent equinox, the sky continues tipping from water sign Pisces into fire sign Aries. The spring season began in the Northern Hemisphere Wednesday, with the Sun joining Mars and Uranus in Aries. This is the beginning of the astrological year — the metaphorical clock resets to midnight. This is … Read more

Aries Full Moon and Uranus Square Pluto

Dear Friend and Reader: This whole week is a buildup to the Aries Full Moon. If you’ve ever read the term “Aries Point” on Planet Waves, we are about to experience its influence, in one of the hottest charts I’ve seen in quite a while. This event — an opposition alignment of the Sun and … Read more

From Aries to Taurus, and the Mercury Storm

Dear Friend and Reader: Next week is monthly horoscope week. These are published after the Sun has entered its new sign. With the Sun about to move from the sign of I Am (Aries) to the sign of I Have (Taurus), we’re at the cusp of the two concepts. Yet the imaginary line between them (and their corresponding realities) is … Read more

Me, Myself and I: Note from Aries

Dear Friend and Reader The Moon reaches full phase in Libra this weekend. A Full Moon dependably shakes up the emotional and psychic energy, and at the moment there is plenty shaking. With many planets in Aries, including Mercury retrograde brewing like a vat of cider, we’re likely to be feeling a bit extra shuffled … Read more

Aries New Moon Called Off

Dear Friend and Reader: In an extraordinary step, the Masters of the Universe have canceled Sunday’s Aries New Moon. “It seems like a big deal to you, but it’s pretty much nothing for us. We took a look at the front page of The New York Times and thought the better of it,” said one of the … Read more