Dear Friend and Reader:
Recently, I learned of a 1941 short story by Isaac Asimov, called “Nightfall.” It takes place on Lagash, the planet of a Sun that is part of a mutually-orbiting cluster of six stars. Therefore, it’s always daytime there.
Except, that is, for one instance every two-thousand and fifty years, when five of the stars that usually illuminate Lagash’s sky are below the horizon, and one very dim, presumably a red dwarf, is above at zenith.
At this time, Lagash is at aphelion, far from the only visible Sun — so it’s small. At that moment, another planet in the solar system makes a total eclipse, and the people of Lagash experience darkness for the first time.
The world goes dark, and they see the night sky, and then starlight. But — persuaded by an old prediction in a kind of “Book of Revelation” — they believe the nighttime stars will take possession their souls. So terrified and desperate for light are they that they go mad and set their civilization on fire. They attempt to rip apart the observatory where astronomers figured out what was going to happen.
Imagine astrology working in the same way as the eclipse on Lagash, only instead of being plainly apparent, it’s part of the invisible environment.

Fear of All That is Indwelling
What a rich metaphor about the state of humanity and its fear of dark, of shadows, and of all things indwelling. It’s a kind of modern-day Allegory of the Cave, only the people of Lagash are blinded not by darkness but by light in which they constantly live.
There is also an astrology metaphor — perhaps inadvertent. The people of Lagash are responding to a visible astronomical event, one that must be pretty shocking to them, given that nobody has seen a glimpse of the night sky for two millennia.
Even an eclipse on Earth is impressive, and we on our planet are accustomed to being in the dark half the time (a condition under which the Lagash scientists think sustaining life is impossible).
Imagine astrology working in the same way as the eclipse on Lagash, only instead of being plainly apparent, it’s part of the invisible environment. The facts of astrology must be brought forward with special tools and many calculations, and then read by one of the few people who can actually get information from a chart.
Regardless, astrology is working in the background, silently and in the psychic darkness, out of plain view — with profound effects on the cycles of our lives and our civilizations. Astrology is part of the indwelling reality, visible only when we enter the cave of inner awareness and allow it to speak through symbols and intuition. Astrology allows us to see in the dark, and when we are blinded by light that knows no shadows.
In the mix is Mars square Neptune part three, which is pushing the boundaries between truth and lies all over the place, continuing to blur the distinction. However, at this aspect, the bill comes due for those who think that believing something makes it true.

Our Transitional Moment
We are now in an aphelion moment, far from Source, and it surely seems that the darkness is rising over our already benighted world. And right in this place, the stars are about to come out.
March 2023 has arrived, with its multitude of cycles turning over, planets changing signs, and many calls to both collective and individual awareness. I covered the details in last week’s article, To the Edge and Beyond.
The events of March come in two forms. One is the ongoing series of conjunctions taking place in Aries, all pointed to self-actualization. Self-actualization is to “woke” what the resurrection is to “zombie.” It’s the long, slow process of becoming fully human, which means being responsive to both yourself and your environment of fellow beings and their needs.
These conjunctions in Aries include Venus making contact with Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron, and Eris; Jupiter conjoining all of the above; and (though it’s a few years off) Chiron making its way toward Eris. I commented on this approaching conjunction in many of the Inner Space readings.
Then there are the three nearly simultaneous sign changes: Saturn entering Pisces on Tuesday, March 7, Pluto entering Aquarius March 23, and Mars entering Cancer on March 25. This is a lot of astrology to condense into two weeks.
In the mix is Mars square Neptune part three, which is pushing the boundaries between truth and lies all over the place, continuing to blur the distinction. However, at this aspect, the bill comes due for those who think that believing something makes it true.
Meanwhile, the Aries New Moon on March 21 takes place right on the equinox, a full-strength Aries Point aspect. An Aries Point event ramps up the intensity of events, but really something else is happening. Contact with the Aries Point opens up the intersection between personal and collective events. It is the intersection of the personal and the political. The world crashes into the living room, as David Byrne put it.
Over the next few weeks, I will report on these events just before they happen, in this article series and on STARCAST (I put the newest edition at the top of the current article and horoscope).
For the past two years, my position was that the “lab release theory” was going to be patsy for the otherwise MIA virus that exists only as computer code. We are given no specifics here; it merely “came from a lab.” What this story does is conceal the fact that a virus was never found in a person; it conceals the fact that there is no actual test for SARS-CoV-2, only a make-believe one.

Saturn Enters Pisces March 7
We are currently living in a world that is running out of control. There seem to be no boundaries or limits of any kind. I attribute this in part to Neptune in Pisces. This is the tsunami of chaos that has overtaken world society since the days of the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns, presaged by Deepwater Horizon a year earlier. These events are all evidence of the infrastructure of society breaking down.
On March 7, Saturn enters Pisces, officially ending the “covid era” that began in March 2020 — another example of things running out of control and a corrupted infrastructure of society. Saturn will start to shore this up, and place some boundaries around the out-of-control yin energy of Neptune in Pisces. That is the sensation of drowning in toxins and chaos.
You may have noticed that this week, the United States government claimed that their phantom virus came from a lab. For the past two years, my position was that the “lab release theory” was going to be patsy for the otherwise MIA virus that exists only as computer code. We are given no specifics here; it merely “came from a lab.” What this story does is conceal the fact that a virus was never found in a person; it conceals the fact that there is no actual test for SARS-CoV-2, only a make-believe one.
There are two labs that claim to handle “coronaviruses” in Wuhan (one is BSL3 and the other is BSL4). Which lab? How do they know? We are supposed to just guess, or believe them. This fable sells brilliantly for everyone who does not know that every “virus” (meaning in silico genetic sequence) is cataloged in databases. Also, there are now more than 14,000,000 “variants” of SARS-CoV-2. Which one got out?
And how did it get out? The window? The GrubHub guy? Did someone catch cold? This is an example of the unmitigated bullshit of the Neptune in Pisces era.
Neptune in Pisces has come with the total breakdown of discernment. This is largely due to being over-exposed to digital conditions, and partly a response to the insanity that digital conditions have provoked.

Shoring Up Personal Boundaries
Saturn entering Pisces is also about shoring up personal boundaries. Depending on where Neptune is transiting your chart, you are likely to be leaking energy and also have a blind spot. Saturn is going to get your attention one way or the other.
Remember that this comes just a week before what may be another glorious shit storm: Mars in Gemini making its last square to Neptune on the 14th. Saturn will serve as a kind of umbrella, which was not present for either of the prior two squares, in October and November. Since last summer, I have been warning about diversionary events at this time. Such would include a weekend of the Air Force “shooting down UFOs,” the “lab release” of phantom viruses, wars that are started as distractions from domestic events, and goddess knows what else will emerge in the next two weeks.
Neptune in Pisces has come with the total breakdown of discernment. This is largely due to being over-exposed to digital conditions, and partly a response to the insanity that digital conditions have provoked.
Saturn is going to introduce the reality principle. Saturn makes a great friend and a terrible enemy. And Saturn is indeed the enemy of all who resist maturity, critical thinking, spiritual grounding, logic, having respect for time, and having respect for those with acquired knowledge.
This transit may represent a personal hell on Earth for those who live and thrive on denial, if you can call that living and thriving. Many are proud to do this. Let’s get over it.
The whole sensation of Pluto in Capricorn is the collapse of infrastructure, and this has now come to an all-time peak as we are in the time of the exact return. The peak holds through all of 2023, as transiting Pluto contacts the U.S. natal Pluto two additional times on its way into Aquarius.

The U.S. Pluto Return is Underway
One last topic for today: the Pluto Return of the United States. This is true whatever chart one uses: all of the July 3 and 4 charts, and the November 1777 chart Scorpionic America. This was the hot astrology story in the pre-“covid” era.
The United States was “born” with Pluto in late Capricorn, and transiting Pluto has been working these degrees for a while. There was a real shakeup with the Jan. 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which you can read about here in this landmark article that hardly anyone has even seen.
The whole sensation of Pluto in Capricorn is the collapse of infrastructure, and this has now come to an all-time peak as we are in the time of the exact return. The peak holds through all of 2023, as transiting Pluto contacts the U.S. natal Pluto two additional times on its way into Aquarius. While the first ingress of Pluto into Aquarius takes place in March, the final one takes place in November 2024.
Let’s consider an event that represents this astrology, or rather that is perfectly described by it. Thirty-odd cars of cargo and toxic chemicals burned up in Ohio a month ago. In my knowledge of history, it was the single biggest point-source toxins event in American history.
I am talking to residents every day; many are sick. Whole families are down, and there is one school 20 miles from the wreck with a quarter of the kids out of class, suffering from a “stomach bug.”
To them, the problem was solved a month ago, or they think that the people of the region and the 125,000 farms right there do not matter. Well, they may think so, but it’s not true. Sooner or later, every American is going to eat some of those chemicals, and so will many people abroad.

As if it Didn’t Happen
The mainstream news media is largely ignoring this. Watch CNN all day and you won’t see it mentioned. The governments of Ohio, Pennsylvania and the United States are leaving people to rot in the poisons, and telling them it’s safe. That is the sign of a dying civilization, one that takes no interest in the wellbeing of its members.
Anyone within 20 miles of that wreck needs to get out until the dioxin levels are known. I know many people care about this, but not everyone does. To them, the problem was solved a month ago, or they think that the people of the region and the 125,000 farms right there do not matter. Well, they may think so, but it’s not true. Sooner or later, every American is going to eat some of those chemicals, and so will many people abroad.
I began with Asimov; let’s hear what he had to say 39 years after writing “Nightfall.”
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge’.”
We’re seeing how that’s not working out very well. We do have options, and they will take some work, of the kind that requires thinking and unlearning. They are available for anyone who is interested.
With love,

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