Leo Monthly Horoscope for November 2020

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If this year has taught you nothing else, it’s that you must have faith in yourself. It’s true that many people compensate for lack of inner fidelity by investing their trust in external factors, though this is a shortcut that ultimately leads nowhere. The combination of Chiron (a long-term presence) and Mars retrograde (an immediate but rather rare presence) are providing full-strength reminders that you are the only place you need to invest your faith at this time in your life. It is true that relationships provide a seemingly different venue, though they too are based on the foundation of faith in yourself. This is difficult to see in a world where nearly everything is externalized, in a time when it is especially so. Yet experience is the best teacher, and it’s the one that confirms or denies what you might learn in theory. Experience is the test of ideas, and it has taught you much this year. Chiron is the sigil of self-awareness, and you have this moving through Aries in the angle of your chart where awareness of yourself morphs into something far wider, deeper and almost cosmic in nature. Yet this can be obscured by constant self-doubt. This potentially presents a paradox. Many forms of doubt are justified, though it is also possible to have faith in yourself just for the sake of doing so. If you have to assume that one side of the discussion is false — self-doubt, or faith in yourself — start by assuming that the doubt is merely a distraction. Mars stationing direct later this month has the potential to jar something free within you, such as spontaneously discovering the trick of self-confidence. Just remember that you did.
View your monthly horoscopes for 2019 here.
Sign Description for Leo
(July 22-Aug. 23) — Leo is one of the most misunderstood signs. But it’s easier to understand if you remember that while the other signs are ruled by a planet that orbits the Sun, Leo is ruled by the thing at the center of our solar system, around which all the other planets orbit (some 500,000 now known).
So while Leo has the tendency to be at the center of it all, there is a deep responsibility that comes with having this as your Sun sign or ascendant. You’re likely to feel this all the time, and it manifests as a selfless and hard-working quality. Leo is associated with the metal gold — the reference standard for all value. You can be generous with others and frugal with yourself; you hold yourself to a high standard and often strive for a kind of perfection that is impossible to attain.
The less well-adapted (or insecure) natives of Leo can be incredibly egocentric and bossy, which can give the rest a bad name; for the most part those born under this sign emphasize leadership and responsibility rather than a privilege. You’re strongly drawn to group activities and organizations, and you have the self-confidence and presence of mind to play a useful role in any such activity.
You need to be visible, and you also need a steady career that is in tune with your deepest values. If you want to understand yourself, study the house position and the aspects to your Sun, for which you will need your whole natal chart.
More than any other sign, the house position of the Sun is vital to understand with Leo. It will tell you the ways you’re most naturally inclined to express yourself. Your rising sign will tell you a lot. That said, as a Leo you want to be seen, known and you need to find roles in life that give you a bit of visibility and put you in a position to be appreciated.
It’s unbecoming of your regal nature to expect adulation, however. You’re only as important as the role you play in the lives of the people around you, and it’s necessary to take a big view of what that means. Your relationships are with humanity first and individual humans second. You understand how important it is to see humanity as a collective entity, and you can actually grasp that idea.
Make sure everyone you care about knows how deeply you really feel about them. Health-wise you must take care of your heart. Leo rules the heart, but it requires special care. Leo is a fire sign, and is also known as a fixed sign, coming at the peak (center month) of its season.
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