By Kimberly Messing
“Good evening Kimberly, I understand that you are not vaccinated against COVID-19. As you will not be receiving your vaccine, your file will unfortunately be inactivated. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.”
This is the text message I received at 8:30 pm on Election Day 2021, giving me an ultimatum of getting the injection by the next evening or else I will be cut loose from my home health position as an LPN, or licensed practical nurse.
Feeling violated and confused, I thought about my patient that I am responsible for caring for the next morning. This mandate is forcing me and the company to abandon the care of a medically fragile patient who needs daily skilled nursing. The patient and caregiver were very distraught as they asked the agency to find a way to keep my care, expressing that even though the patient is ventilator-dependent, has respiratory issues and is medically fragile. Yet they feel completely safe with me in their home without my being “vaccinated.”

I have been dealing with covid since day 1. I worked at a medical practice in an Urgent Care facility as I was attending nursing school full-time. When the pandemic scenario began, I was begged to work more hours at the Urgent Care — when half the staff jumped ship and they were left understaffed. I worked in Urgent Care as much as I could, trying to be of help in a time of crisis, fear and confusion.
We didn’t know how bad this claimed virus was, and what we would be dealing with. I willingly put my life on the line to be of service, as a nurse should. My work included a lot of covid testing and treatment of symptoms.
During nursing school, I gained knowledge of viruses, illnesses, the immune system, infection control, etc. While experiencing covid testing and treatment on a daily basis for over a year and seeing this whole process unfold, I realized that this was basically just a glorified flu — and even if there are risks of illness and death, I had no fear of this virus.
Being a healthy young individual, I have never opted for a flu shot, never feeling it was necessary for me, or medically indicated.
After having completed nursing school during the crisis, incurring debt from student loans and spending the past two years living around covid everyday, I was looking forward to working as a nurse taking care of patients that needed my skills. I landed a job with a home health care agency taking care of patients in their home.
The only requirement was that I am to be tested weekly, and wear a mask.
Then on Nov. 2, I was threatened that if I did not get the first injection by the next day, I would be let go.
The number of patients left without care is just as much of a threat for death and illness as whatever covid is. I once was praised as a hero for being a healthcare worker on the front lines and now I’m being treated as a criminal. I am being told I am endangering the health of my patients and the public. It was fine for me to work yesterday, and take a necessary risk — but today it is not.
When I share this experience, most people say, “Why don’t you just get the jab?”
The jab? That sounds so creepy. I am being bullied into getting a medical preparation that is not approved by the FDA. It is allowed for emergency use only, and is still in clinical trials. These do not end until 2023. There is not enough knowledge and true information available, which makes me uncomfortable putting this injection in my body. There have been more than 18,000 covid-vaccine deaths reported by the CDC, and 89,000 covid injection reported hospitalizations. That is more than the past 30 years combined — in just the past 11 months.
No mRNA product has ever been on the market before this. It works by teaching our cells to make an allegedly harmless piece of a “spike protein,” which is found on the surface of the virus said to cause covid — if that is even the truth.
My understanding of health and science doesn’t agree with this concept. Everything that is happening seems to be influenced by the digital world: from reading, I have learned that the test and the injection are based on computerized versions of a virus, rather than clinical specimens.
A lot of people may say I am making my life harder because this is causing me to be discriminated against: being denied employment, and making me an outcast in society. But my morals and values are much more important than money and material things. If you can’t stand up for what’s right and just stand back and allow others to be taken advantage of, it’s the same as watching someone being robbed or raped and not saying a word. Tell me, do you want to have that on your conscience forever?
I know that I am not alone. I have found communities of people that are not getting injected for their own personal reasons. This is a fight for freedom. We have the right to say what we put in our body and to not be discriminated against for our health decisions.
With the ongoing dishonesty from our government, our leaders and the media, there is no way I can trust most information about covid-19 and the injection. We can’t differentiate the truth from the false without doing tremendous amounts of research. I have my own ideas on the virus, the vaccine and this whole situation, but the fact of it is, we are not being told the truth. That is very scary, and it is our duty to hold each other up on the quest for truth and fairness for all.
Well, I applaud your courage, Kimberley. I do hope that you find alternative employment very soon.
Kimberly – I am an RN with 38 years experience and I totally agree with you. I was forced to resign at my job for the same reason. I have become ashamed and humiliated at my profession of Nursing for our behavior over mask and “vaccine” mandates. We know better! We know masks are worthless for preventing virus transmission. We know the “vaccine” is damaging and killing more people than the “disease” – if we can call a re-named flu a disease. A disease with a still unisolated vector, and a diagnostic test that can’t identify it.
Thank you for speaking out. I appreciate your courage.
Hello Kimberly,
This is a very difficult decision, I know. My daughter who is 29 and just started her nursing career 2 years ago faced the same. Her last day of work was this week. There are many like you who have “drawn their line in the sand” but who will at the very least sleep with a clear conscience. Take comfort in knowing that you will end on the right side of history.