‘Cause we’re living in a world of fools
Breaking us down, when they all should let us be
We belong to you and me
— The Bee Gees
Dear Friend and Reader:
Every day, I see my spiritual training flash by before my eyes.
Love and fear cannot coexist in the same place. My thoughts are images that I have made. I do not perceive my own best interests. There is another way of looking at the world. God is the love in which I forgive. Love created me like itself. We all contain the means of our own healing. Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. I could see peace instead of this. My grievances hide the light of the world in me. Let miracles replace all grievances. Love is letting go of fear.
Two years into our little global crisis (read the chronology), we seem to not only be back where we started, but in a worse place: a world where fear is seen as the only virtue. In this alternate reality, we are ruled by those who most effectively terrify us, or confuse us, or make us doubt ourselves.
I am wondering when people are going to collapse from adrenal exhaustion, discouragement, grief, and lack of motivation. I marvel at how through an entire “pandemic,” I’ve only seen one article about how to take care of a sick person (and we have a team of people searching for and reading articles).

There is Not a Consensus, Among Anyone
There are signs of life; I take note of at least one a day. Vibrant communities are forming among those who are not down with the program. People are working on education, food security, legal issues, housing issues, and financial matters. They are socializing normally.
Not everyone is on board with seemingly eternal, aggressive anxiety, but to some extent, everyone is dragged in. Many are afraid of those who are not into this whole trip: be terrified of everyone and everything. Unless you openly express your fear, and pretend to offer your whole life to it, you are somehow a potential suspect, a dangerous and untrustworthy person. But this is not a real consensus. Many are alert and many more are waking up.
Meanwhile, the corporate media is making it look like all scientists everywhere agree with everything. I assure you: this is a total falsehood. CNN’s Sanjay Gupta does not embody the entire medical ans scientific establishment.
Then there are the casualties. Plenty of people were in rough shape before this all happened. Many people were having trouble getting through the day. For nearly all of us, our lives were overwhelming, and there was barely time and money to do what we wanted. For those who were already on the edge and many other people, life is not better. They are the left behind.
They are the suicides you’re reading about, the domestic abuse survivors, those whose consumption of alcohol and drugs has increased the past two years. They are the people suffering from depression, sickness triggered by immune response from constant masking, autistic people who cannot get to the gym, and many others.
Yes, love and fear cannot coexist in the same place and time. Honest scientific inquiry must be fearless, and not subject to popular opinion. Seeking the truth is a form of love, and it takes courage.

Banned from the Town Square, and the Family Table
We have now seen two years nonstop of people being shunned and ridiculed by their friends because they so much as ask questions about what is happening. I know many people who have been shamelessly banned by their families from the holiday dinner table. The information superhighway is strewn with the bodies of qualified doctors and scientists warning us about problems with the narrative.

Yes, love and fear cannot coexist in the same place and time. Honest scientific inquiry must be fearless, and not subject to popular opinion. Seeking the truth is a form of love, and it takes courage.
Robert Malone, an early inventor of mRNA technology (that is, the “covid vaccine”), has been banned from Twitter for expressing skepticism about the use of his own invention. Could we seek some clarification from a more qualified expert?
We have witnessed and largely tolerated people who dare to use their minds being thrown out of the town square, over and over. YouTube’s guidelines dictate exactly what you can and cannot say about viruses, vaccines, medication and pandemics.
There are so many rules it’s funny, and telling. The Google God knows it all, including the entire future and all its details. The “reality-based community” is allegedly now delusional.
We have witnessed the disruption of weddings, funerals, private meetings, holidays, access to food, access to medical care, and movement without surveillance — all over an issue with the same fatality rate as ordinary flu. Isn’t this a little odd? Or a lot?
We are watching top scientists be canceled and silenced; dissenters taken to a concentration camp in Australia called Howard Springs (even if they are not “covid positive”; a doctor in Canada committed to an institution for senility when what he really did was question the medical narrative.
And in other news, Facebook admitted in court that its rampant “fact checks” are merely opinion, which used to be a different thing than verified fact. Every now and then the truth slips in.
I will add this. The people around the world who have been working to get the truth out for the past two years are tired. They have taken great risks and most have gained nothing being in this position. That is a long tour of duty, working against public ignorance and a tsunami of propaganda coming from the corporate media. Perhaps show them some love.
Why do we allow this? Most people don’t know, and don’t care that they are not being told. Many who know think it’s somehow worth it. Think of how many lives we have saved! That is not how medical science is supposed to work; rule one is do no harm.

Fear is Costly
In the past year, twice as many deaths have been reported to the official United States CDC database (called the VAERS system) for “covid vaccines” alone than were reported for all 75 or so other vaccine products the past 30 years.
Between 1990 and 2020, there were about 10,000 reported deaths from all vaccine products combined (I did not know that previously). In 2021, there were 20,000 deaths from just the “covid vaccines.” The system picks up between 1% and 3% of all incidents. One million total injuries are now on record for “covid vaccines.” Check the data yourself.

Why do we allow this? Most people don’t know, and don’t care that they are not being told. Many who know think it’s somehow worth it. Think of how many lives we have saved! That is not how medical science is supposed to work; rule one is do no harm.
Isn’t there some regulatory switch that someone is supposed to pull to shut this down? In 1976, the “swine flu vaccine” was scrapped after just 25 people were known to have died. Any sane person would think that was 25 too many. Apparently there is no longer such a thing as immoral.
Everything we have been told would allow us to return to normal life has resulted in either setbacks, or no progress at all. After “two weeks to flatten the curve,” “social distancing,” lockdowns, stay-home orders, closing massive school districts and all theaters, isolation of the elderly, plastic sheeting and dividers, and masking people with one, two or three face diapers — and most notably, mass injection of some 80% to 90% of the population of the Western world — nothing is back to normal.
The fear level is rising. We are told cases are running out of control. University campuses with absolute vaccine mandates are having “outbreaks.”
It would seem like many are unfamiliar with the concept of “bait and switch.” It would seem we have forgotten about the incompetence of government agencies (and about corruption, and greed).
But it’s all OK as long as it pumps up fear, or is used to do so, and then we pretend to have relief by wearing a face visor (or in the case of my neighborhood jeweler, an actual gas mask). Watch the dancing skeleton and you won’t notice anything else. A lot else is happening.
Small adjustments in the testing protocol can create the illusion of a “surge” or a “variant.” Adjust the other way and the “variant” disappears like a puff of smoke and the “case count” plummets. Turn it back up and you can terrorize the population.

What I Have Learned About the ‘Covid Test’
I will avoid technicalities in this letter, except to say this one thing. After a long career covering Monsanto (since 1991), and nearly two years of investigating the test, I have learned a little.
This homework has involved conducting numerous interviews with qualified scientists and researchers on all sides of the issues, studying the history of the test, reading hundreds of articles and published papers, and watching countless lectures and technical instructional videos (all multiplied, analyzed and verified by the work of my devoted research colleagues). Who has time? We do.
The virus, the variants, the test and the injection are all based on interconnected theoretical computer models, and no biology whatsoever. This is 1) widely admitted by scientists on all sides of the issue, if you learn what to read or listen for, and 2) designed to be a perpetual motion machine of an endless crisis.
Small adjustments in the “testing” protocol can create the illusion of a “surge” or a “variant.” Adjust the other way and the “variant” disappears like a puff of smoke and the “case count” plummets. Turn it back up and you can terrorize the population. We are talking about “science” by fiat, which is not science at all. In the community working on dioxin, this used to be called political science.
On Jan. 1, the CDC introduced a new “multiplex” PCR protocol that supposedly can tell the difference between flu viruses and “SARS-CoV-2.” Oh, the new test can distinguish them? How advanced! What was going on the past two years, while governments, big pharma and big tech tore the world apart — aided and abetted by the terrified and the defrauded?
Unless you understand the test technology, it’s very easy to be fooled by it. It is easy to deem as idiots or conspiracy freaks those who actually understand the whole complicated business (as if there is nothing to understand; there is, and you can).

Let’s Put a Gown on It
In late 2019, Dr. Anthony Fauci said on C-Span that he wanted to “put a gown” on the ordinary seasonal flu and convince people that it’s as bad as AIDS or cancer (and improve the miserable market saturation of flu vaccines, which until recently was 23%). The proposed solution to this marketing problem, they said on C-Span, would be an mRNA vaccine, before the public had a clue what that was. Don’t believe me; watch and listen for yourself. The first minute should pique your interest.

Unless you understand the test technology, it’s very easy to be fooled by it. It is easy to deem as idiots or conspiracy freaks those who actually understand the whole complicated business (as if there is nothing to understand; there is, and you can).
Try these on, from The New York Times: an article we’ve fully verified called Faith in Rapid Test Leads to Epidemic that Wasn’t (2007, documenting an incident with 100% false positives); and Your Coronavirus Test is Positive. Maybe it Shouldn’t Be (2020, documenting that the so-called covid test results in 90% false positives).
Regarding the second article, we have verified this analysis six ways from Sunday (the reality is far worse than the Times has admitted) and I have gone so far as to interview the writer about her reporting methods and point of view.
Anyway, which is it? In 14 years, the device went from being 100% wrong to just 90% wrong. How impressive. Tell me: what test has a passing grade of 10%? (And for many, many reasons, even that is a gross overstatement.) This is the radar gun that clocks a parked car going 75 mph. Would you pay that ticket, or fight it?
Both articles are about the reverse transcriptase, real-time, quantitative PCR, programmed for an RNA sample: the same exact device. The only difference is this: in the 2007 incident at Dartmouth Medical School, a bacteria was involved, and that can be cultured, hence the test results could be checked. In the present crisis, a virus is said to be involved, and that cannot be cultured, and therefore cannot be verified.
Therefore, “covid tests” have no reference standard and cannot be checked against other assays. They cannot be confirmed. Their own official technical documentation (I spent 18 months verifying that article) says they are not diagnostic tests and cannot diagnose viral infection — but this is all they are being used for.
I don’t blame anyone for being confused, including doctors, who are not biochemists.
Everyone knows that Copperfield didn’t pop the jet airplane into the 8th dimension. It only looks like it’s disappearing, which is an impressive trick (and he is a charming fellow).

The Vanishing Learjet Trick
Many times the past two years, I have watched the video of illusionist David Copperfield performing the vanishing Learjet trick. This is done on a solid concrete runway without the help of elevators, turntables, camera tricks, Photoshop, and so on. The jet plane is lashed down to concrete pylons and surrounded by people holding hands. Then it’s gone.
Everyone knows that Copperfield didn’t pop the jet airplane into the 8th dimension. It only looks like it’s disappearing, which is an impressive trick (and he is a charming fellow). I have never found an explanation of how he pulled this off, though we can all agree, there was no insurance claim made for the aircraft. Yet — before dozens of witnesses — it looked like it disappeared.
The difference is only this: the witnesses and the “magician” all know and admit that it’s an illusion. They know and accept they are part of a theatrical exhibition.
Now, why can they at least get that far? They are not terrified. They don’t think they’re going to vanish the next minute. They don’t think that Copperfield is out to get them. Imagine this trick happening, say, in the 15th century. Copperfield would be arrested and burned at the stake.
We all have some spiritual training. Most people reading try to eat well so they can be stronger if their body is challenged. We all have some faith in God and in the beauty and perfection of nature.

How Committed to Your Fear Are You?
How deep is your fear? That’s how deep you will get drawn into this, taking everyone around you with you. The more anyone defends themselves against the virus, or against the truth, or people who question the claims of corporate officials, or try to fend off imminent sickness and death, the more real it will be to them. The Course in Miracles has a lesson about this: If I defend myself, I am attacked.
We all have some spiritual training. Most people reading try to eat well so they can be stronger if their body is challenged. We all have some faith in God and in the beauty and perfection of nature.
We all know society had a lot of problems before this all happened, and that many people didn’t take such good care of themselves. This is all an invitation to wake up and pay attention.
Today, we are allowing the most terrified, greedy and power hungry among us lead us into a dark future: the black mirror.
It is time to grow up, and face our fears, and get real about taking care of ourselves and one another. We do not need to live in the dark, in the back of a cave. And we must, in my view anyway, think of the world that we are leaving to our progeny.
I know we are better than all of this.
With love,

Thank you, Sally : )
Dear Eric – There has to be a bigger word than THANK YOU for all your incredible work and that of your team as well – You are one of only very few people I know who validates my knowledge and learning about all of the above – some days it is hard to hold on BUT I am a seeker of Truth and always have been – When I first started teaching Holistic Nursing in 1985, I used to tell my students that “my job was to help them feel ignorant” as old beliefs first had to be deconstructed before there was space for the mind to awaken – I also taught the ancient maxim that until the lesson is learned, the teacher will not go away – and they laughed – at first – and as time passed and they did open to ancient truths and new knowledge about healing, they stopped laughing -this maxim still holds true in all aspects of life and our teachers come in so many forms -we all must realize our ignorance so we can grow – thanks to you and your intelligent work and perseverance also in search of Truth, I continue to grow – deeply grateful beyond words, with love and respect always, Barbara Joyce-Lambert PhD,RN, subscriber.
Thank you, Barbara!
Thank you Eric & the Planetwaves team, I’m in awe of the enormous work you do, the relentless truth seeking & telling & a place of sanity & sanctuary during these crazy times. Where will it end? We shall see … I also love Lanvi Nguyen’s gorgeous images ? bless you for all that you do & other everyday miracles
How lovely — many thanks, Nelly!