Does anyone else do astrology this carefully?

Chart for Scorpio 2024+ reading by Eric Francis.

Dear Friend and Reader:

The idea of professional astrology is to give people who have not studied it all the advantages they would have, had they invested a lifetime in the work. And occasionally, that actually happens. Here is how.

These days, I am reading 2024-2026 astrology charts, all day and into the night. I take an unusual approach to astrology. In addition to being a Sun-sign columnist fresh and crisp enough for London’s Fleet Street tabloids and the New York Daily News, I’ve spent decades tracking the discovery of new planets.

I learn their birth charts — yes, these days, planets have them. I study their scientific properties. Whenever I can, I get the discoverer on the phone and ask them how they found it out there in the abyss of deep space.

Then, I listen to what people tell me about their lives, and put the placements and transits into context. I also study news events, lots of them, and personal events. Then, over time, the planets reveal their messages and themes to me.

As Accurate and Useful as the Reading of a Timed Natal Chart

Using what some would call “Sun-sign astrology,” I can get a reading as accurate and as relevant as any professional astrologer working with your date and time of birth. Then I present these readings to you in extended written format and audio format, to make sure that both sides of your brain (and mine) can have a go at the same chart.

This written/audio combination is very important — we experience the spoken word and the written word differently. Together, they create a kind of synergy — the combination is greater than the sum of both.

I love doing this. I recognize that it’s a special gift, and I treat it gently. I’ve been doing Planet Waves annual readings every year at this time since 1999. You may remember these editions — Parallel Worlds, Small World Stories, Next World Stories, and Bridge to the Core. The more recent ones include An Aquarian Era, Intelligence, All of Us Here, and last year’s Inner Space.

You may read our client testimonials here. They fill an entire website called Planet Waves Rocks.

We are entering an era when people have an opportunity to take some authority over their lives as individuals, and in groups. Both qualities are emphasized: the individual aspect by events in Aries, and the collective by events in Aquarius.

Sunrise over the Hudson River. Photo by Eric Francis.

The astrology of 2024 includes the vibrant conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, which we are already feeling as the first gleam of optimism since some forgotten day in 2019.

Somewhere In Between — Your 2024 Written and Audio Readings

The coming 12 months are an astonishing time.

There is an unusual combination of factors — Pluto changing signs into Aquarius, where it will be for 20 years; a very unusual eclipse of the Sun, conjunct Chiron; and the vibrant conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, which we are already feeling as the first gleam of optimism since some forgotten day in 2019.

We are departing from an era known mostly for destruction, systemic breakdowns, the proliferation of billionaires and an obsession with power. If it has felt like civilization (or your life, your career or your relationship) was collapsing, that was Pluto in Capricorn.

We are entering an era when people have an opportunity to take some authority over their lives as individuals, and in groups. Both qualities are emphasized: the individual aspect by events in Aries, and the collective by events in Aquarius.

How will you handle yourself in this new territory? How will you experience the invitation to be reborn unto yourself?

Will you be able to take advantage of the radical changes that are coming to society under the influence of Pluto in Aquarius?

I think you will.

You may pre-order your readings here. Delivery expected by Jan. 8.

With love,

Eric signature

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