You are the Editor in Chief of Collaboration

AN AQUARIAN ERA FOR VIRGO | BY ERIC FRANCIS Download PDF: A4 / US Letter The Aquarian Era transits take place in your 6th place (house, whole sign house, solar house). You might think of Aquarius as the sign that represents Virgo energy to Virgo (the 6th sign). The presence of Aquarius on the 6th … Read more

Seeing and Being Yourself in the Invisible Environment

AN AQUARIAN ERA FOR LEO | BY ERIC FRANCIS Download PDF: A4 / US Letter The challenge for Leo in the Aquarian Era is a special focus of the challenge we all face: seeing, feeling and otherwise sensing the environment in which you exist. This may seem like a ridiculous idea, until you figure out … Read more

From the Galactic Core to Your Zip Code

AN AQUARIAN ERA FOR SAGITTARIUS | BY ERIC FRANCIS Download PDF: A4 / US Letter We have all heard the expression, “Think globally, act locally.” Few know what to do about this; for you, it takes on significant meaning at this time in your life and for the foreseeable future, meaning 20 years or so. … Read more

The Great Reconciliation (of Accounts and Humanity)

AN AQUARIAN ERA FOR CANCER | BY ERIC FRANCIS Download PDF: A4 / US Letter INTRODUCTION | 1. Aquarian Era, Aquarian Age Many dominant forces of astrology are now either in or headed into Aquarius, hence, we are in what I am calling an Aquarian Era. While this reading is for the sign Cancer in … Read more

The Great Reconciliation (of Accounts and Humanity)

AN AQUARIAN ERA FOR CANCER | BY ERIC FRANCIS Download PDF: A4 / US Letter INTRODUCTION | 1. Aquarian Era, Aquarian Age Many dominant forces of astrology are now either in or headed into Aquarius, hence, we are in what I am calling an Aquarian Era. While this reading is for the sign Cancer in … Read more