Another Freaky Conspiracy Theory Turns Out to be True

Friday afternoon while I was recording Planet Waves FM, a “Breaking News” email floated into my inbox from Politico. This was during a song break so I had time to give it a look. Here is the subject header: BREAKING NEWS: Government report: UFOs are real. I blinked a few times, like you’re supposed to when you see such an email.

What’s the big Secret?

By Eric F. Coppolino What’s the big secret? Why did the Pentagon and intelligence agencies deny forever that UFOs exist, and then suddenly reverse their position and admit that they do? One answer to that is: for their own purposes. They are not doing us any favors, partially admitting what we all know to be … Read more

Leo Astrology Studio 2021-22 is Ready.

Courage: Astrology Studio for Leo, 2021-2022 Dear Friend and Client: Here is your reading: Here is an associated article, called The Private Idaho Virus. Here is the article about Salacia, which is in your 9th house, with Chiron. Here are your charts. The one on the left is the New Moon, drawn with Leo … Read more

Fresh Astrology for Cancer Sun, Moon, Rising

New York, June 24, 2021 | View on Web | Visit our Home Page Fresh Astrology for Cancer Sun, Moon, Rising Dear Friend and Reader: I have just completed a new reading, a calm moment in our chaotic times. My readings will help you feel good about yourself and your astrology. I not only interpret: … Read more

Planet Waves Readings by Eric Francis for July 2021

Welcome back to Planet Waves. We are presenting the monthly horoscopes in a new format, with one sign per page. Your page includes monthly readings back to the beginning of the year. All free readers get a few clicks. To get unlimited access to all signs, weekly and monthly horoscopes, and thousands of articles, all … Read more