Sept. 11 Anniversary: Astrology and Anthropology

Dear Friend and Reader: This is a horoscope off-week. The next horoscope will be published ahead of the Full Moon on Thursday, Sept. 16. My focus for the week is a review of the 20 years since Sept. 11, 2001 — and we are still living with the injuries and crisis created by that situation. … Read more

Are Anti-vaxers idiots? What are they thinking?

I keep wondering what the authors and editors of these kinds of articles think “anti-vaxers” are motivated by. Why are they so committed to their cause? Is this part of a pattern in their lives? Do they also disinform people about other things, such as the weather or the score of last night’s Atlanta Braves … Read more

Planet Waves Readings by Eric Francis for September 2021

Link to 8/20 Full Moon Planet Waves Horoscope Welcome back to Planet Waves. We are presenting the monthly horoscopes in a new format, with one sign per page. Your page includes monthly readings back to the beginning of the year. All free readers get a few clicks. To get unlimited access to all signs, weekly … Read more

Virgo Studio: A professional astrological check-in

Dear Friend and Reader: Some wonder what good astrology is without the birth time. What can you possibly learn? That’s a great question, though it answers itself if you’ve ever found my monthly and weekly horoscopes useful. The solar house system I use for both horoscopes and extended readings by sign is rather amazing if … Read more