Planet Waves Weekly for June 13, 2024 by Eric Francis

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The thing you want is likely to be something you have to work for; one year to reach this goal is a good estimate. On the timescale of a human life, that’s fairly quick, but also requires consistent dedication and commitment. To create or accomplish this thing…

We Need a Word For It

For language-obsessed Gemini-types everywhere, a beautiful book exists called There’s a Word For It. It’s a 300-page glossary of rarely-used and little-known words that stand for specific concepts. I checked the book this morning and I don’t think there’s a word for what Thursday’s…

Mars Conjunct Chiron & ‘Toxic Masculinity’

Mars is necessary to get anything done. It’s about desire, initiative and motivation — and it’s almost always blamed on men. What is toxic masculinity? Is healing from these ideas possible?