SCOTUS Dobbs Decision: Probably Not What You Think

Roe v. Wade allowed women in all states access to abortions. The court overturning Roe v. Wade does not merely reverse this; it allows the government to take jurisdiction over women’s bodies, and by extension, all of our bodies.

Your July Monthly Horoscopes by Eric Francis

You are in a truly unusual moment of life when you can make a name for yourself — which coincides with a time when this is nearly impossible. But the forces of your chart can combine and work for you, if you provide some willingness, propulsion and work with the winds and the tides rather than against them. READ ALL 12 SIGNS.

Schedule Update :: Solstice Soul Hiatus

Dear Friend of Planet Waves: I sat down at Broadway Lights diner Wednesday afternoon to write the weekly horoscope, and it wasn’t happening. So I’m going to do something that rare for me, which is to connect a few days off and return when my creative well is refilled. My current work plan is to … Read more

The Northern Solstice Chart and the Body Electric

Dear Friend and Reader: This week I’m reluctantly going to forego a weekly horoscope, in service of making steady progress on the Midyear Reading. For those wanting a horoscope — thank you for the week off. Writing the horoscope takes a tremendous amount of energy and I am eager to get the Midyear Reading to … Read more

Welcome to Your future. Your life.

Welcome to Your future. Your life. Your readings are all located on this page. Open the page and choose the sign you want to watch. If you have questions, please write to us at