Covid19 News from Planet Waves — September 2022 entries

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to Stay in touch and help us out by … Read more

Covid19 News from Planet Waves — August 2022 entries

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to Stay in touch and help us out by … Read more

The Equinox Alignments

Amidst much other fanfare and notable astrology that I cover, Mercury passes between the Sun and the Earth exactly at the Libra equinox — a rare event, connected to many other planets in the same pattern. There are new horoscopes, too.

Venus Square Mars: A Case in Point

The real work of the mutable signs is integrating the mental with the emotional. Often the two dimensions of experience are alien to one another. People often think one way, and feel another way — that can lead them to act a third way that does not resemble either thinking or feeling.