Covid19 News from Planet Waves — January 2023 entries

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to Stay in touch and help us out by … Read more

Capricorn Astrology Studio 2024

Reading link without password | Email link to a friend Alt Player (Audio Only) | Download Audio Zip Your Capricorn reading is contained in the video below, with additional resources below it. If you prefer audio only you can use the links directly above. Notes for Capricorn Studio – Transits Extended sign description for Capricorn … Read more

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2023

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Jupiter is back in your sign for a nonstop run that goes through May 16, when Mr. Fat and Happy — the boss of the solar system — enters your money house, Taurus. This is a formula that says “be yourself and you will succeed,” through being self-involved with who you are becoming rather than who you were.

January Readings for Sagittarius Sun, Moon & Rising

Listen to a Sample of Your Sagittarius Astrology Studio Reading here: Click here to purchase your Sagittarius Astrology Studio now! Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2023 | Go To All Signs By Eric Francis Coppolino Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Jupiter’s move into Aries is likely to come with the feeling of having a … Read more

January Monthly Readings for Pisces Sun, Moon & Rising

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2023 | Go To All Signs By Eric Francis Coppolino Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Jupiter has departed your sign and entered Aries, which is the start of a new cycle for you. It’s true that these happen in a diversity of styles (such as the Capricorn New Moon now underway). … Read more