Monday’s Mercury Transit of the Sun; the MUSE Concerts and Our Nuclear Legacy; Full Moon conjunct Vesta, and the Ethos of Service and Devotion Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Download MP3. Planet Waves FM is presented each week without commercial interruption. Dear Friend and Listener: Tonight’s Planet Waves FM explores the Taurus Full Moon conjunct Vesta. I develop Vesta themes throughout the program, particularly in Tantra Studio in the 4th segment. … Read more

Planet Waves FM: Scorpio New Moon Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Download MP3. Dear Friend and Listener: I’m going to let tonight’s extended program speak for itself, though here’s a basic map of the territory: I spend a lot of time circling around the Scorpio New Moon, which takes place at about 11:38 … Read more

Planet Waves: It’s About the Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader: This week, we arrive at a Planet Waves milestone — 200 consecutive weeks of Monday Morning horoscopes. After many years of Thursday or Friday weeklies, we began publishing Mondays with the start of our Marie Claire gig. What also changed is that we no longer have “off weeks,” mostly thanks to … Read more

Eric Francis Coppolino — Kingston Times interview

By Carrie Ross Eric Francis Coppolino, who came home to Kingston 10 years ago this summer, is the world’s only astrologer to carry international press credentials. After a long career as an investigative reporter covering corporate crime, Eric went from the front page to the horoscope page. Today he’s the editor of Planet Waves, a … Read more