Any predictive astrologer looking at the astrology of our moment might have seen that the political environment would be boiling over the sides of the pot and onto the floor. The wide-angle factor here, the one spanning decades and indicating that something is reaching its conclusion, is Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.
One of my journalistic hobbies is listening to the scanner. All I have to do is unmute Channel 1 on my soundboard, and it comes through my speakers. I can then eavesdrop on the chatter of government. I hear some law enforcement, but mainly what comes across are medical calls, fire calls and stuff like road maintenance.
For me this is like a civics meditation. I don’t actively cover local news. When I hear something newsworthy, I will text the city editor at the Daily Freeman, which does not have the time to monitor. But that’s not my main reason for listening. I just find it interesting, and also, I feel reassured to hear that society is functioning.
One of my favorite items happens on the hour, when the toll plazas along the New York State Thruway check in with the temperature and road conditions. I can hear this because they’re on a relay system that broadcasts all the interchanges on one local channel. There is nothing special about this; what I love is hearing routine business, and also the sense of space as the toll plazas announce the weather in their immediate area, spanning hundreds of miles.
Thursday night, I presented the Aries Full Moon in relationship to its political implications, and how it aspects the charts of the United States, of Trump, and the U.S. Pluto return.
To begin understanding the Aries Full Moon on a personal level, first consider what you’re feeling right now, and then consider this. We who are alive today live at a dangerous intersection, where the individual and the collective merge into one another.
This is so natural that we don’t notice it. But we live there, with all our stuff, not where two roads meet but at the railroad crossing of the collective (trains) and the individual (cars and pedestrians). With Aries, we are talking about the Aries Point — the astrological image of that railroad crossing. The Aries Point is the first degree of that sign, which extends well into it, and also into several other signs of the zodiac. At the moment, several of them are powered up by planets in the early cardinal signs.
First, please get over the notion that if you take any of this seriously, you’re nothing but a partisan of evil Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton. Or that if you shrug it off, you’re a brave protector and defender of the United States Constitution and the honor of a duly elected executive officer.
Also, for those who care, I will offer some thoughts about how not to leap across the table and pummel those who act like nothing special is happening, as they torture you with their blasé attitude. Or, for that matter, those whose acid cynicism makes you want to hate the fact that you’re interested or concerned.
In this article, I’m planning to go over the basics of the impeachment and the astrology behind it, though I think it’s secondary in significance to something else, something much larger and more personal. I want to speak to the figure-ground issue that will help clarify what is happening with the attempt to remove Donald Trump from office, and what the implications of that are.
This may take a few words. If I sum it up with a statement such as, “It’s not about them, it’s about us,” all the nuance will be lost, which is part of the problem — this stark contrast view of the world that is taking over. I will do my best to be succinct without skipping over any critical details.
Pre-order RESPECT, Your 2020-2021 Annual Reading by Eric Francis Sept. 26, 2019 Dear Friend and Reader: Over the weekend, astrology did one of those handoffs from one era to the next. All year long, we’ve been under the influence of the Jupiter square Neptune aspect, what you might think of as a bubble of unreality. … Read more