With Love From Borasisi

Dear Friend and Reader: Anyone who works with ideas in a public forum figures out sooner or later that most people will believe anything, particularly if it’s not true. I’ve learned as much from writing satire as I have from writing about astrology or being an investigative reporter. I’ve noticed that many readers will readily … Read more

You Are Who You Are: Your Zodiac Sign Has Not Changed

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: AST WEEK’S ‘YOUR SIGN IS WRONG’ HOAX that spread like feathers at a pillow fight was a rare trip through the news for the craft of astrology. Every now and then our old profession gathers a little attention, usually due to a misunderstanding or a prediction someone has … Read more

You Are Who You Are: The ‘Your Sign is Wrong’ Hoax

Dear Friend and Reader: AST WEEK’S YOUR SIGN IS WRONG HOAX spread like feathers at a pillow fight was a rare trip through the news for the craft of astrology. Every now and then our old profession gathers a little attention, usually due to a misunderstanding or a prediction someone has made. Once it happened … Read more

Thema Mundi: The Chart of the World

By Eric Francis NE OF my esoteric teachers, the late Arthur Joseph Kushner of New Paltz, liked to say there was a time when all things began. Sometimes the best teachings are the very simplest, though this is an easy one to forget. All that exists has its origins in time. Things and activities that … Read more

A Visit With Joe

LAST WEEKEND in Woodstock, catching up with people and places, I called up Joe Trusso, my former therapist and mentor, which I usually do when I’m in town. I wanted to stop by for a moment and say hello, get a look at him and let him know I’m doing well. He said come over; … Read more