Pluto in Capricorn: Fiddler on a Roof

Dear Friend and Reader: Growing up an honorary Jew in New York City, my favorite musical was Fiddler on the Roof. My mom took me to see the first Broadway revival with Zero Mostel, who performed in the original 1964 production. I learned the song “Sabbath Prayer” in piano lessons. And I thought a lot about … Read more

Marketing Crisco

BY SUSHAMA GOKHALE Reprinted from Wise Traditions magazine. The FDA is creeping toward banning trans-fats, or what are technically called partially hydrogenated fats. I saw this article in Wise Traditions magazine and asked the author if we could reprint it — thanks for that permission, Sushama. I think you’ll love this work of journalistic art. … Read more

The Orius New Moon

Dear Friend and Reader: This past Monday, the Sagittarius New Moon was conjunct a newly discovered centaur planet called Orius. The Moon-Sun conjunction was to the exact degree, which is usually a good moment to suss out some clues regarding what the new point is about. Technically called (330836) Orius, it was discovered on April 25, … Read more

Threefold Goddess in a Field of Grain

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: El Sol is now in Virgo; it made its ingress to the sixth sign of the zodiac Thursday at 7:02 pm EDT. Virgo is the mutable earth sign (the only one). Mutability is a form of changeability; earth is a form of stability. We have some tension manifesting … Read more

Moving Mountains

Published Aug. 2, 2013 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: EARLY EVERYONE who lives in the Hudson Valley of New York is familiar with the land preservation efforts of Mohonk Preserve. The name has a national reputation, synonymous with forests, trails and the most famous rock climbing area in the Northeast — the … Read more