Taurus at the Speed of Sound

Earlier this week, we experienced the first of seven Sun-Uranus conjunctions in Taurus (that was Monday, April 22). News events are moving at a dizzying pace, and defy comprehension. At the time I’m writing this article on April 25, it’s been just over a week since the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, and a week since the release of the redacted version of the Special Counsel’s report. It seems more like a month.

An Unsealed Letter

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: You know things are weird when a top story in the news is how long a report might be. Not how long it is; how long it might be. Not what’s in the report. Not what is missing. Rather, the potential page count. This game of charades has … Read more

An Unsealed Letter

Originally published March 28, 2019 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: You know things are weird when a top story in the news is how long a report might be. Not how long it is; how long it might be. Not what’s in the report. Not what is missing. Rather, the potential page … Read more

Michael Cohen Testimony: Where the Buck Stops

Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Those who took the time out to watch Michael Cohen’s testimony Wednesday heard him describe what is essentially a vast criminal syndicate led by Donald Trump, which has accompanied him into the White House. Cohen hinted that federal prosecutors in New York City (the Southern District of New … Read more

World Within, World About

Link to original “These different kinds of pain share a common thread: our lack of healthy connection to each other, our inability to see the full dignity of each other, and the resulting culture of fear, distrust, tribalism, shaming and strife.” — David Brooks in The New York Times Dear Friend and Reader: We live … Read more