Solstice Cluster, the First

Posted on June 14, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: With the beginning of Mercury retrograde in Cancer this week, we are now in the cluster of events surrounding the northern solstice (summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere). Concentrations of aspects form peaks right around both the northern (Cancer) and southern (Capricorn) … Read more

Interval of Decision: Where Are We Going? (part one)

Fear is dominating the lives of many right now, and is being used as everything from a political wedge to a marketing device. While society is managing a crisis, we stand collectively at a branching of the road, and a time of decision — one that we are almost certain to miss if we remain … Read more

What is real and what is not?

Dear Friend and Reader: That is the question of Mars conjunct Neptune, exact Saturday in Pisces and developing now. On its way to an extended five-month stay in Aries (June 27-Jan. 6), Mars is passing by Neptune in late Pisces. While the conjunction is exact June 13 at 10:13 am, Neptune has a wide orb … Read more