The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss

Originally published Dec. 14, 2012 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: It’s time for yet another visit with the chart for 12/21/12 before the event itself. Well, maybe ‘event’ is too strong of a word, though this seems to be the conclusion of a 5,125-year span of history that began on Aug. 11, … Read more

Deeper than Confetti: An Introspective Year

Originally published Nov. 30, 2012 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: I’ve been watching the news the past few weeks for signs and symbols of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, which ended Monday. This and the surrounding astrology (covered in Tuesday’s edition featuring Twin Peaks) caps off a deeply introspective year. I feel confident … Read more

Something About Juno

Originally published Nov. 23, 2012 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: The long-anticipated winter solstice of 2012 is now just weeks away. I may be one of the few people who has been considering the 2012 issue for 25 years who did not make a religion out of this event, which marks the … Read more

Solstice, Eclipse, Conjunction: Everything, All At Once

Dec. 22, 2019 We are now in one of those moments where everything seems to be happening at once. Times like this require special care: you have to take care of your responsibilities, take care of yourself, and manage not to get overwhelmed. Several major astrological events are developing around the time of the civil … Read more

What’s That Sound? Uranus Meets Eris in Aries

Originally published March 24, 2016 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: There is an astrological event brewing that happens this spring for the first time since 1927: a conjunction of two slow-moving outer planets called Uranus and Eris. You may recall that Eris became famous in 2006 when it precipitated the re-definition of … Read more