This display is an archive of retrieved articles from the Planet Waves series and other projects.
Planet Waves Weekly for Oct. 10, 2024 by Eric Francis
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Yours is the only ‘fixed’ water sign. This is an old word for set and stable; for what is seemingly unchanging. One hundred years ago an example of fixed water might have been a polar ice cap. Another example is underground fossilized seawater, such as may be found in Michigan.
Of the Perfect Storm: Were the Hurricanes Geoengineered?
The owner of the building where I live (my “landlady,” in common parlance) contacted me by text on Tuesday, shaken up and asking me to watch a video. While she worries a lot, she’s not usually so chatty, so I watched it. It turned out to be about the technology that could potentially move a hurricane around….
Planet Waves Weekly for Oct. 3, 2024 by Eric Francis
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Listen and you will get the message. Listen to what you say and you’ll learn how you’re responding. Following your inner dialog is crucial right now; it has all the information you need, and will guide you through any complexity. And what seems complicated is really a simple matter.
The Ring of Fire and the Wake of the Flood
Events surrounding Wednesday’s “ring of fire” annular solar eclipse in Libra have been troubling. Eclipses have two main properties, which might seem to conflict. One is they represent a shift in the storyline, or of the historical process. The other is that conditions at the time of an eclipse can be preserved as a new status quo.