Three Eclipses are Behind Us

Posted on July 6, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Overnight Sunday to Monday, the Moon formed a conjunction to Saturn in Capricorn (exact Monday at 5:35 am EDT / 2:35 am PDT / 10:35 am BST). This was the last stage in the events associated with the eclipse of the Moon … Read more

The Big Country

Posted on July 2, 2020 | Link to original

Planet Waves
Statue of Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson in Richmond, VA (former capital of the Confederacy), seen on Sunday. The statue was removed from its pedestal on Wednesday. Planet Waves photographer Lanvi Nguyen documented the monument in its last days, as a piece of community folk art.

Dear Friend and Reader:

This weekend is the 244th anniversary of the founding of the United States, usually counted from the date written on the Declaration of Independence.

The U.S. is now well into its Pluto return, an event that has never happened in our history. If we seem to be going through a little extra chaos related to a problem most of the world has already solved, we might consider that astrology.

In all ways, the American Dream is now facing tough times, and some would say it’s dead. I don’t think that’s true, though at the moment, it’s being eaten alive by greed, fear and incompetence.

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We’ve got the light on for the world

Dear Friend and Reader: Tonight’s feature is reader-contributed: Silver Lining Experiences of Covid-19 with an abundance of photos and illustrations by Lanvi Nguyen. We have asked our readers to tell us how their lives have improved due to this otherwise frightful, grievous and disruptive situation. You have responded and told us what you’ve learned. This … Read more

True Mirror: Venus Stations Direct

Posted on June 21, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: Thursday, Venus stations direct in Gemini. It’s been retrograde since May 13. Venus is retrograde the least of all the planets (about 8% of the time), so they are all meaningful, if not memorable. First, a brief recap of the weekend’s astrology, … Read more