Planet Waves Weekly for April 18, 2024 by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The Sun leaves your sign and enters Taurus on Friday, which will clue you in to a whole dimension of reality that you may have missed. In a few words, that’s about how valuable your gifts and talents are. I mean this in the most tangible ways: of practical value, … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly for April 11, 2024 by Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Some concept of hidden consequences or the result of past karma may be stalking you, though please consider that it’s an illusion. Imagine you’re seeing something in a cloud formation that is as real as your imagination makes it, but only that much. I suggest you maintain your focus on … Read more

Of Chiron, Eris and Monday’s Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader: Monday afternoon, the Moon will pass directly under the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. There are many kinds of solar eclipses; total solar eclipses are somewhat rare. Monday is distinctive because the shadow will be cast across the United States. For about four minutes, day will turn to night. … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly for April 4, 2024 by Eric Francis

It’s Showtime, Folks. Ladies and Gentlemen, Here we go. This is the last horoscope before Monday’s solar eclipse. I am leaving it open access, sponsoring it with ads for my readings associated with this exciting, highly unusual and transformative astrology. Please take advantage of those readings while they are fresh. If you were to listen … Read more

Arrive Early, Stay Late: Solar Eclipse on April 8

Dear Friend and Reader: On Wednesday driving to and from Long Island, I was treated to some new poetry on those electric sign boards along the New York State Thruway. Usually you get gems like, “Click It or Get a Ticket,” “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” or my all-time personal favorite, “One Small Ask: … Read more