Venus Square Mars: A Case in Point

The real work of the mutable signs is integrating the mental with the emotional. Often the two dimensions of experience are alien to one another. People often think one way, and feel another way — that can lead them to act a third way that does not resemble either thinking or feeling.

Elizabeth, Eristocrat of the Global Village

The teenage Princess Elizabeth’s eloquent broadcast encouraged strength and courage in the children of the empire who had been evacuated from the cities to temporary homes in the countryside, and even to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States — a move designed to ensure the survival of the next generation (in a time very different from our own).

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for September 15, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your ruling planet Mars is slowing down to its forthcoming retrograde, and delivering you a series of messages you would have to be sleeping to miss. Since we live in the age of anesthesia, I’ll translate as best I can. At the moment, the primary question involves understanding results of your prior sexual experiences.

Moon, Mercury, Mars: The Big Ride Begins

Dear Friend and Reader: With Mercury stationing retrograde on Friday, followed hours later by the Pisces Full Moon on Saturday, we are on the big ride to March 2023. That is the moment of revelation and, among other things, the beginning of Pluto in Aquarius, which lasts until 2044. That is accompanied by Mars entering … Read more

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscopes for September 8, 2022

Aries (March 20-April 19) — As it appears in your chart, the upcoming Full Moon is visionary. It is in Pisces, in the house of dreams and visions; an astrological event of mythical proportions. And this is met by the Sun in Virgo, which describes your willingness to do the work to make your ideas into something real. There is a translation process here.