The weather has been interesting here in upstate New York this summer. My preference, after living in many climates, is for weather that changes every few days. That’s what it’s doing here, and I’m noticing this from day to day.
Leo – Venus retrograde in your birth sign is one of the most beneficial transits you’ve had in a long time. It’s about learning how to work hand-in-glove with your most important goals, but also embody something deeper: the role you are called to play in society, whatever it may be.
Venus will be retrograde in Leo through Sept. 3. The horoscope below focuses primarily on this one transit pattern. I have placed the formula I’ve used for reading your sign (Sun or rising) in italics below the reading, so you can see what interpretation guidelines I am using.
Leo – Everyone, it seems, goes through a phase where they must learn how to say, “I am an artist” or musician or writer or race car driver or whatever you may be.
You may be noticing that society and many people seem to be going insane. While the world has never been an especially rational place, we are watching it go over the top day by day.