Moonshine horoscope for June 2012

Dear Friend and Reader: Today we have the Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, who wrote her column in transit back from the United Astrology Conference on her way home to Cairo, Egypt. The Moonshine horoscope is based on your Moon sign, which is a good thing to know if you find astrology helpful. It will open … Read more

Through an Arch or Doorway

Dear Friend and Reader: One thing to keep in mind about an event like the transit of Venus is that you will see most of its influence in the long run. While many are experiencing turning points that would be appropriate for the solar and lunar eclipses that we’ve just experienced the past few weeks, … Read more

You are your Missing Piece

Dear Friend and Reader: In the story left for us by ancient lore masters (known as the zodiac), Gemini is the first sign in the sequence that depicts the human form. It’s difficult to miss that the first human sign depicts not one but two critters, whom we are told are twins. Yet in the … Read more

Opening to Eros

Dear Friend and Reader: Most people don’t sit around contemplating the beginnings of eras or sweeping changes to society — most of us live from day to day. As we do, we tend to have a tense relationship with change. Many of us cling to what we have and are familiar with, rather than welcoming … Read more

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Dear Friend and Reader: This is the month of the Venus transit of the Sun — a rare event that is the ‘Mayan factor’ in this year that has been the subject of so much prophecy. We covered this event in great detail last Wednesday, in an article titled, “Transit of Venus: Embracing the Solar … Read more