Lightning Strikes the Vatican

Dear Friend and Reader: Monday, we learned that Joseph Ratzinger, known as Pope Benedict XVI, would be the first pontiff to resign from office since 1415, nearly three centuries before Benjamin Franklin was born. This is something that’s never happened in the modern era, and its being unprecedented — and the astrology that goes with … Read more

Backstreets of the Psyche

Dear Friend and Reader: Sunday’s Aquarius New Moon is the next event highlighting a centaur planet — there have been several the past few weeks. Many others are on the way over the next week or so, and from what I can tell, many people are feeling something but they don’t know what. The edginess, … Read more

Moonshine Horoscope — Aquarius New Moon Edition

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Currently your dreams are more concrete and tangible than usual, like they are pushing up from your unconscious into your conscious mind. I suggest you write down the stories you live while you sleep, taking note of the details of your dreams and how they make you FEEL. Much in the way … Read more

Astrology on the Most Personal Level

Dear Friend and Reader: We are again in one of those moments when the world seems to be coming unhinged — as we’ve gone through this week’s news items, it’s really impressive how much pain and struggle there is going on. That said, there seemed to be some progress on immigration reform and gun control, … Read more

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for February 2013

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for February 2013 | By Eric Francis The Aquarius New Moon of Feb. 10 has the feeling of a solar eclipse, as the event is square the Moon’s nodal axis. It is the Asian New Year as well. The New Moon is conjunct a Chiron-like minor planet called Nessus, which is … Read more